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Energy Management

Carbon footprint



  • Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ISO 14064-1, GHG)

Transportation, heating, electricity consumption, etc. of companies or individuals. Various internationally developed standards and methodologies are used when calculating the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from its activities. Among these standards, GHG Protocol and ISO 14064 are mostly used in Turkey. The Environmental Group Company provides consultancy on the necessary studies and preparations for the TS ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Inventory.


  • Carbon Footprint Calculation

Carbon footprint; electricity consumption of individuals, institutions or activities, heating, transportation, etc. It is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions measured in units of carbon dioxide resulting from its activities. For corporations that want to be carbon-neutral, consultancy services are provided within the scope of balancing these emissions by purchasing carbon credits from projects that provide emission reduction in order to first try to reduce these emissions by calculating the greenhouse gases (carbon footprints) they create/release to the atmosphere within the framework of their organization's activities, and to balance/neutralize these emissions.

Environmental Group Company provides consultancy on Carbon Footprint Calculations and carbon footprint awareness.


Carbon strategy is a long-term planning process that includes developing strategies for measuring, monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions for institutions and businesses. Environmental Group Firm provides consultancy on Corporate Carbon Strategy Development.

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